Thursday, January 05, 2006

I Knew It

Sophie's sleeping with James Sophie's sleeping with James Sophie's sleeping with James. I have confirmation- Jean told me and then I confronted Sophie and she's all, "Well I didn't say anything to you because it's not a big deal and you make a big deal out of everything" and Jean's like, "I didn't tell you because I don't consider random sex a big deal" and I was like, "Neither do I" and Jean's like, "Yeah, I know. That's why it's okay for you to do it all the time, I just don't need to hear about it" and I'm all, "What the fuck; you just don't want to hear about it because you're not getting any" and she's like, "Um, yeah". But I still felt left out. Sophie is not just my friend, she's my roommate and I have to know about these things.

Bonnie didn't know either, which makes me feel good but when I told her she just didn't care. Then I told her her butt looked good and she freaked out. I can't do anything right.

The 18 year old just got back from London and he wants to see me ALL THE TIME and I kind of want to take a breather from him; he's way too into me. I've got to get my priorities straight. And then there's the Belizian guy- he's really sweet but doesn't speak much English and I think that may become a problem down the road.

Oh, I got my stop smoking kit from NY. It comes with flyers, an information booklet and a free batch of nicotine patches. And a phone sponsor who totally has a crush on me. His name is Fed and he has the hottest voice. I know he likes me cuz he's like, "I'll call you once a week Sara, just to see how you're doing". I haven't quit yet, I gave myself a quit date- one month from now. I'm just building my tracks.

I'm a little nervous about quitting but I know I have to. Sophie's all on my case and I know, I know it's bad for you. But I've been doing some research and it turns out it's actually worse than they let on. Like, smoking is REALLY bad. They sent me a picture of this narsty piece of driftwood they're trying to pass off as a smoker's lung. Well, maybe it does look like that. But not mine- mine would definitely not be that bad.

The problem is the NY State Quit thingee is so outdated, one of the reasons they give you to quit is because it's expensive and then they say, "Over $1,800 per year for a pack a day smoker paying $5 per pack". $5 per pack? Try $8 dipshits. I know the government is out of touch, but come on. Get with the program. It's like how George Bush thinks that the average family can get by on minimum wage as long as they shop at Walmart. Is it bad that I kind of like Walmart? Their savings are extraordinary.

So in order to quit smoking, there are 5 "D's". Delay, Drink Water, Do Something Else, Deep Breathe, Discuss With a Friend.

Yeah, this should be easy.

Smoke 'em while you can, Bloggie.


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