Friday, January 13, 2006

Who's Crazy Now

I met the Belizian boy at this bar last night. We only meet late night so I'm starting to think he's either married or has a girlfriend or is a vampire or something, but nonetheless I got the call and I met him. No, I didn't wear a trenchcoat and sunglasses. Actually, I did have a trenchcoat on but it's pink and not flasher-creepy. Anyway, I'm sitting at the bar waiting like a HALF hour for this guy, and I overhear this conversation from these two girls next to me. Normally I hate conversations that girls have in bars because they are always high pitched tirades about how men are horrible, but this one was rather interesting so I listened in.

Turns out girl #1 was seeing this guy and just found out (from someone else) he was married.

THE SAGA Part 1:
Girl 1: "You'd think he could just tell me, and then it'd be a lot easier to break it off. Just let me know; I'm cool with it."
Girl 2: "Doesn't matter. You are in a lose/lose situation. You stay with him, you lose because you'll never really be with him. You tell him how you feel, and all of a sudden you're crazy. Do you know how many times I've had an honest conversation with a guy about what I want out of a relationship, and then he tells his friends that I'm just crazy?"

Gosh, they're kind of right. I've been there, but I always thought that it's because I was crazy. I mean I am, but... you know. Now here's where it gets interesting.

THE SAGA Part 2:
Girl 1: "So anyway..." (ring ring - her cellphone goes off) "Oh, hold on. Hello? Oh, okay. see you in 10 minutes"
Girl 2: "You're really going to see him?!"
Girl 1: "Listen, if we were all perfect we'd be boring. Gotta go."

Damn. That's some fucked up shit. Where was I? Oh, yeah, the crazy thing. I never really thought about it before, because I hear that from my guy friends ALL THE TIME. "Damn, that bitch is crazy." Does the guy really think that or is it just something he says? Is it possible that the girl you have known for months/years, and have loved/liked/enjoyed time with, all of a sudden loses the seratonin releasing-capabilities between her brain's neurotransmitters within a day and is now officially crazy? Because if that's the case, you sure can pick 'em, asshole. Who's crazy now?

I didn't get to hear the rest of the conversation because the Belizian arrived. But yeah, the only crazy person I know that wears her crazy on her sleeve is Sophie, and yet that makes her somehow un-crazy.

Jean called me last night, stuck in LAX because her ride didn't pick her up. I love it when Jean's well made plans don't work out. She gets all huffy and I swear that if she were a cartoon I could actually see the smoke rising from her little curls. I told her to get a soy latte and suck it up. She was like," Soy Latte? SOY LATTE?! What the fuck!" I told her it was an LA reference but then she hung up on me. I love that girl.

Oh, I called Bonnie's house because her cellphone was all messed up and I got Greg on the phone and we talked for an hour. I really like that guy; he's so genuine. If I ever get married it will be to someone like Greg. He's dreamy.

Well, off to work. No, I just lied, I don't have to work until later. I just have nothing to do until then.

Bye, Bloggie.


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