Monday, March 13, 2006


I've started babysitting this two year old who loves to watch TV so that makes her immediately cool. One of her favorite shows is Oobi- for those of you unfamiliar with this low budget phenomenon, Oobi is just a hand with eyeballs. Sometimes he don's a hat, but for the most part it's pretty simple. He has friends: his sister Uma, Grandpoo and his ethnic friend, Keko. That's really about it. There's always an adventure, but as the show is designed specifically for small children and grown-ups on acid, the characters only speak in three word sentences. "Oobi go fishing", "Keko's house. Dinner!" Needless to say, I am obsessed. While the concept of actors' hands-as-puppets with slip-on eyeballs is disturbing at first, there is a reason you can peel neither myself nor this child from the screen when Oobi is on. I think it's the simplicity of it. When Oobi is sad, he says, "Oobi sad". If Grandpoo wants to go hiking he just says, "Grandpoo. Hike!" There was one particularly touching episode where Oobi went to Keko's house for a sleepover, and Uma his sister lay alone in her bedroom and uttered, "Uma miss Oobi". I think I just love the innocent honesty the characters have.

Speaking of the honesty, Jean needs to stop being so damn straight-forward with me. She thinks it's good that the guy I was seeing, Andrew, left because he was a no-good jerk anyway. Maybe she's right, but doesn't she know the cardinal rule of NOT bad mouthing the ex because it makes the other person feel that their feelings of loss are invalid? Whatever, she's just happy I have yet to break the no-sex contract even though the other girls are convinced I should. The only thing more annoying than Jean being right is when she knows she's right.

Bonnie and Sophie are getting along great. I'm a bit jealous. I miss Sophie as a roommate. I know it sounds crazy, but I've taken a liking to her Aloe Vera juice; it's quite tasty. Okay, that's not true, but I do miss her.

Hmmm... When I was younger I used to lie to cover my tracks/avoid confrontation, but seeing as how I always got caught and only recently learned the value of friendship, maybe I can take a lesson from Oobi. He really is a good friend to Keko and a fantastic brother to Uma. But what would I do if adults really were that brutally honest? I wonder what would happen if Andrew just said, "Andrew fuck Staycey", instead of giving me the adult chatter excuse for a breakup. Which would I prefer? I would probably just like it if I heard it from Oobi.


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