Friday, February 17, 2006

My Baby Sugardaddy

This week has been intense. My horoscope said it would be but I usually choose only to listen to the good horoscopes. Well, my week has been bad and good-and-weird. I'll start with the bad. Bonnie told us she's not sure who her baby's daddy is. No, I won't repeat that Bloggie, you'll just have to re-read that yourself. What? I know, I felt the same way. I mean, she swore up and down that it was Greg's. Was she just lying to us or did she really not do the math? I'm not mad at her, I'm just a little upset. I mean, Greg and I are pretty close and half of me just wants to tell him but the other half is beholden to Bonnie, obviously. I guess we'll just have to put up a good face until Bonnie gets the results. I won't say anything Bonnie, I just wanted to let you know how I feel.

Okay, the good-and-weird part. After my "We Both Hate Valentine's Day So Be My Non-Date" date with Andrew, we went out to dinner on Thursday. It turned into a fun night and in the cab on the way home before he got out he kissed me. On the lips, but in a quick, maybe we're just friends kiss. I have not replayed a moment in my head so many times since the three way kiss in that movie "Y Tu Mama Tambien". Which was also a pleasant reminder of my first threesome. I still replay that moment in my head sometimes, but maybe it's because I haven't had sex in weeks.

Which brings me to this darned falutin' sex contract. The girls say if I break it I have to pay $840. But if things progress at ALL with Andrew I would pay double. But waiting has gotten me this far so who knows. At the same time, if I would have broken it for anyone it would be the time I almost had sex with Andy Samberg from SNL and because of the contract I pawned him off on Sophie who now is having great sex with Andy Samberg from SNL. He could mack on my cupcake any day.

Jean and Nathan are screwing like bunnies but she won't give details. That kind of makes her look classier. No wonder she's dating a millionaire.

I can't wrap my head around all of this so I might go take a nap before work. Jean said she can't come by because she's "dog sitting" but I know that's a euphemism for choosing men over friends. I had a dog once and he was lucky if anyone ever came home. Dogs are resilient that way. Men aren't.

I'll keep you posted, Bloggie.


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