Wednesday, May 03, 2006

So for now...

Sophie's ex-husband James is officially married. Although Sophie did her best to stop the wedding by running at top speed down the aisle as the ceremony began, it didn't work. He made his choice. I hope Sophie is okay with hers. I know she will be.

Jean and I continue to have our love/hate/love relationship. It's strange how you can be friends with someone for even less than a year but feel like you've known them for an eternity. Or maybe that's just because we're always the two left at the bar and those extra hours become an eternity. Especially the next day when you are stupidly hung over.

And Bonnie, well, the thing I love about Bonnie is that she's still got that bitchy 12 year old in her that I fell in love with the moment we met. And now she's growing another bitchy soon to be 12 year old. She actually admitted last night that the reason she had been acting out all this time is because she loves the attention. And she deserves all the attention she wants, because she's amazing.

And then there's me. I sold my book, and then had it optioned for a movie. I actually have more money than God now, and as Sophie pointed out, I'll blow it all. I believe her exact wording was that I would curl up all my money in a cylinder and actually perform oral sex on it. Sure, why not, it's my money to blow. But I'll ask Greg for some financial help, maybe I'll invest it, or hedge it or whatever it is that rich people do.

So for now, all is calm in our little family until this baby is born. Or until Sophie does something dramatic. Or me. Or Jean's math books mysteriously disappear.

When I arrived in New York a year ago I thought I had it all together. Turns out I didn't. I don't think anyone ever does. But throughout all this time, family drama, stupid work things and even stupider boys, I never questioned my relationship with these girls. I might have questioned the word "stupider", but I know it's a word because I just did a spell-check. And I also know what great friends I have.

Later, Bloggie